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Sahel Irrigation and Pastoralism Fora - October 29 - 31

The upcoming high-level forums entitled, “Beating the Odds, Building Resilience in the Sahel: Pastoralism and Water in the 21 st Century” to take place in Nouakchott, Mauritania (October 29, 2013) and Dakar, Senegal (October 31, 2013).

As you are aware there are pressing development challenges facing the Sahel which require focused attention. Indeed, there is growing consensus that the transformation and growth of agriculture in the Sahel is crucial to reducing poverty and avoiding humanitarian crises, and conflict, that all too frequently plague the sub-region.

To respond to these challenges, the World Bank, in collaboration with CILSS (Comité permanent Inter-Etats du Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel), and the Governments of Mauritania and Senegal, are convening a series of topical, high-level events focused on irrigation and pastoralism in the Sahel. The events will consist of two high-level regional fora: one focused on pastoralism development in Nouakchott on October 29, followed by the similar high level event focused on irrigation to take place in Dakar on October 31, 2013.

The forum participants will be largely comprised of Ministers of Sahelian governments, development partners, and leaders from business and civil society.

We welcome your participation and invite you to join us in an effort to focus international attention and catalyze the new partnerships that are needed for greater development impact in the Sahel.

Venue : King Fadh Palace - Dakar

Contact :amills1@worldbank.org

Crédits: AK-Project