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11th African Crop Science Society conference 2013, 14 - 17 October 2013, Yaounde, Cameroon

The African Crop Science Society (ACSS), established in 1993 to encourage crop production and food security in the Africa continent, is a society for researchers, producers, business people and technicians around the world. The ACSS organizes one international conference in every odd year in one of the African countries. The overall goal of the conference is to promote the active exchange of crop sciences information, innovation, and new ideas. Usually, it is attended by experts and distinguished keynote speakers and eminent scientists from Africa and of the entire globe.

The General Assembly of the ACSS held in Maputo, Mozambique, on 2011, decided that the 11th conference will be held in Yaounde, Cameroon, the first Central African country to host an ACSS conference. Therefore, on behalf of the ACCS council, the Conference Organizing Committee is pleased to welcome you to join us in this unique scientific experience.

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Crédits: AK-Project