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Publication : "Land Legacy Issues. Guidance on Corporate Responsibility" (Interlaken group)

« Numerous stakeholders, including the Interlaken Group, have produced guidance explaining how the VGGT can be practically applied in business operations. To date, however, most of the guidance concentrates on actions required in new land acquisitions with insufficient attention given to how companies can bring existing holdings into line with the VGGT. This Guidance is meant to be read in conjunction with the Interlaken Group’s Respecting Land and Forest Rights : A Guide for Companies. »

Lien : Interlaken Group, 11/12/17, Land Legacy Issues. Guidance on Corporate Responsibility (PDF)

Veille : Vincent Basserie - Support technique : Hub Rural
Appui financier : Comité Technique "Foncier et Développement" de la Coopération française

Crédits: AK-Project