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Webinaire : "What Works for Women’s Land and Property Rights?" (22/07/20)

« This raises the question of what kind of intervention works, what do we know and what do we need to know to help design and implement interventions, and sustain lasting change ? The “What Works” paper shows us that research to date has been fairly narrowly focused on specific kinds of interventions, in a narrow set of geographical areas and may not correlate with what we know is happening on the ground. How do we understand the gaps so that we can target research and practice on things that we know will make a difference in women’s lives ? »

Sources :

Land Portal, non daté, What Works for Women’s Land and Property Rights ?

Land Portal, non daté, Qu’est ce qui fonctionne en matière de droits fonciers et de droits de propriété des femmes ? [En Anglais]

Veille : Vincent Basserie - Support technique : Hub Rural

Crédits: AK-Project