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Dublin 2013 / Etude de cas Niger: “Women’s land rights in a changing climate: a case study from Maradi, Niger”

Intitulé de la publication : Women’s land rights in a changing climate : a case study from Maradi, Niger

Auteurs :

  • Alima Mamadou, technical assistant for the Women and Land Initiative at CARE Niger, working on the Maradi region of Niger.
  • Aichatou Salaou, vice-president of HIMMA, a Niger civil society organisation partnering CARE in the Women and Land Initiative.

Résumé (par les auteurs) :
"Women in rural Niger need access to farmland in order to feed their families during worsening droughts. The Women and Land Initiative is helping women claim land rights by engaging local leaders and raising awareness of the benefits that accrue when women hold land and grow food"

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Crédits: AK-Project