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Regional Symposium on Pastoral Livestock, N'Djaména, 27-29 May 2013

In a context largely dominated by security discourse, the Saharo-Sahelian areas should be seen as a zone of close interlinkages between North and West Africa. From this perspective, pastoral livestock breeding, in particular, should be reconsidered as part of the solution to security challenges of the region. The regional symposium, co-organised by SWAC, the Government of Chad and the French Development Agency (AFD), in collaboration with the European Union, IFAD and the IUCN, will provide the grounds for launching a prospective analysis on how pastoral livestock could play an enhanced role in the development and the stabilisation of the Sahel and West Africa region. Following the technical discussions, a High-Level Roundtable will be held with political leaders of the region on 29 May (afternoon) to draw lessons and conclusions from the symposium.

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Crédits: AK-Project