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CILSS/FEWS NET Joint West Africa Food Security Bulletin, No. 1 : September 2013

Despite the late onset of crops in the Sahel countries, the regular rains
from mid-July to mid-September have resulted, in general, in good crop

Green harvesting, which started in August, has improved food availability at the household level and has contributed, along with de-stocking by traders, to the normal seasonal decline in prices.

Except in the eastern part of the Sahel, rains are likely to continue to fall until mid-October, which will support average to good crop production in the region, despite the dry spells observed in July and September in somebi-modal zones in the Gulf of Guinea (Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Benin and Liberia).

The joint crop assessments, conducted by CILSS and its partners in lateSeptember 2013, will eventually provide the first quantitative estimates of crop production in the various countries, in early November 2013.


Crédits: AK-Project