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Meetings of the Agencies for the Promotion of Exports in the ECOWAS Area on 25 and 26 July 2017 in Abidjan

The organization of this meeting of the Export Promotion Agencies is part of the implementation of one of the recommendations of the 4th Annual Conference of Borderless Alliance.

Under the theme: "Trade information, factors of increased intra-Community trade: specific case of agricultural and food products", the meeting aims to strengthen the dialogue between these institutions for the establishment of a System for the exchange of commercial information for intra-Community trade developement.

Specifically, the meeting aims to bring together the heads of export promotion agencies and representatives of regional and international trade support institutions on the theme of the impact of trade information on the increase in intra-Community trade.

The meeting of export promotion agencies will be attended by 30 delegates from national export promotion agencies, international trade support institutions, ECOWAS and UEMOA Commissions, the Alliance’s Executive Secretariat Borderless, Regional Projects and Programs promoting regional trade by private sector representatives and resource people.

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Crédits: AK-Project