The Rural Enterprise Project (REP) aims at alleviating poverty, slowing rural-urban drift, contributing to the creation of sustainable jobs. The project also aims at addressing the low level of technology and productivity, low income and un-competitiveness in production, processing and distribution in agriculture. REP aims at addressing this deficiency through transfer of technology, thereby improving the low level of technology and productivity, as well as aiding in improving the low income levels of beneficiaries.
The target beneficiaries are made up of ‘entrepreneurial poor’ individuals, defined as the rural poor who had some business potential and who, if supported through the project interventions, could promote self-employment and micro-enterprises. Disadvantaged women, unemployed and under-employed youth and graduate apprentices are also targeted under the program. This project support would be achieved through the following components; Business Development Services, Technology Promotion and Support to Apprentice Training, Improving access to Rural Financial Services and support the development of Micro-and Small Scale Enterprises Organizations and Partnership Building.