Dublin 2013 / Etude de cas Sénégal: “Communicating seasonal forecasts to farmers in Kaffrine, Senegal for better agricultural management”
Intitulé de la publication : Communicating seasonal forecasts
to farmers in Kaffrine, Senegal for better agricultural management
Auteurs :
- Ousmane Ndiaye, climate expert at the Senegalese Meteorological Agency, ANACIM, Dakar, Senegal.
- Abdoulaye Moussa, science officer with CCAFS West Africa, based at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Bamako, Mali.
- Mousa Seck, agent for the Agriculture Extension Service, Kaffrine, Senegal.
- Robert Zougmoré, the regional program leader for CCAFS West Africa, based at ICRISAT in Bamako
- Jim Hansen, leads CCAFS’s Adaptation Through Managing Climate Risk theme and is based at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Columbia University.
Résumé (par les auteurs) :
"Our project explaining seasonal forecasting to farmers in central Senegal built common ground between scientific forecasting and traditional knowledge. It helped farmers understand and use seasonal forecasts to improve crop strategies, and let farmers explain to meteorologists what seasonal climate information they most needed, in turn improving the forecasts’ usefulness."
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